Monday 15 September 2008

Back Home

The Journey home went pretty much according to plan - picked up the car in Nice at 10.30 on Sunday morning, drove 765 miles to Calais in 10 hours (on the road). Dropped the car off at the ferry terminal, got the ferry to Dover, train to Charing Cross and short ride home (slightly longer for Oli!) for about 3.00pm today.

Managed to get to Reims (where else!) last night in time for a dinner stop in the Cafe de la Paix on Place Erlon. Very good fish, a glass of the local fizz (Taittinger, of course!) and a nice white burgundy - pity that the service has become very Parisian - efficient but no more.

A few hours sleep and back on the road to finish the journey this morning. Not usually a fan of modern cars but the Opel Zafira was a very efficient vehicle - set the cruise control and all I had to do was indicate when changing lanes - Oli ensured that I was supplied with snacks and drinks and kept the A/C under control - great teamwork. Plenty of room in the back for the two bikes - didnt even have to take the front wheels off.

Because of the Eurotunnel problems, the ferry was busy - a large group of aging Rolls enthusiasts returning from a rally on the Rhine - some fabulous motors - and about 8 coach loads of german teenagers on a school trip made for some interesting people watching. Bonus of a head, neck and shoulder massage sitting in a chair in the bar from a friendly young lady while Oli was off shopping. Asked if she would give my legs a rub but no joy!

Seems odd not to be getting up to ride, eat, ride, eat, ride, eat, ride, shower, eat, sleep......... but have to make it to the Headway House tomorrow morning for our reception committee - and perhaps some press photos.

Hope to sort out a recap of the trip and upload the photos tomorrow and post a final entry on the blog to bring it all to a conclusion. Thanks for your comments will try to respond appropriately in due course. I know Jimmy C is upset that I didnt get back in time to buy him a drink this afternoon but I'm sure he'll get over it!

Sunday 14 September 2008


At 1530 hrs local time on Saturday 13th September 2008, Oli and I were drinking Moet at the Cafe de Paris in front of the Casino at Monte Carlo.

I was on for the full bottle and then the train back to Nice but Oli insisted that we should ride back so we settled for the demi! (just as well at MC prices). He was right of course because there were some lovely views - and a very fast tunnel downhill.

Trip 79.9m
Average 12.1 mph
Max 43.2mph !!
Time 6.34hrs
Total 909m

Another tremendous day - started early, riding towards the rising sun as we finally reached the Med. The Corniche between St Raphael and Cannes is one of the best rides I can remember - 34k of ups and downs around the calanques - in the company of literally hundreds of frenchmen in lycra.

The waypoints today read like an upmarket French holiday brochure - or probably a song by Sacha Distel (who he?) - St Raphael, Cannes, Juan les Pins, Cap D'Antibes, Nice, Villefranche, Beaulieu, and finally Monaco and Monte Carlo.

The ride along the Promenade des Anglais was so good that we have now done it three times - cycle path separated from traffic and pedestrians and very well signposted.

Thought that coffee at Juan les Pins was pricey until we got the bill for coffee and croissants at the caffe promenade in Nice this morning (Eu 4.80for a cup of tea). however sunday morning in the sunshine in Nice was worth it.

Now all we have to do is get home. Off to pick up the car and drive the 900 miles back to Calais and ferry home tomorrow.

more news when we get back and of course the Photos.

One final thought from Oli last night - he had rolled up the legs of his shorts to allow his road rash to heal in the air - and on the way into the hotel as we passed a mirror he asked if he looked like a Mason!

Friday 12 September 2008

Road Kill

Bernie, I know that you have been busy disposing of slugs but you should see the numbers squashed on the roads here. in addition to the slugs, we have seen a lot of toads (or should that be frogs since we are in France), cats, snakes, a fox and even a dead cow in a ditch- which smelled pretty unpleasant!


Bernie in Lycra is not a sight anyone would appreciate!!

One of those who cycled past on a recent hill was a young french girl and the view of her rear in lycra got me up the hill a little faster - although she was already miles away by the time I got there.

the other annoying thing is that they are all immaculately turned out in their club colours with matching shoes and gloves - haven't seen any handbags yet!

Back on Schedule

Stats for day 11

Trip 78.8m

Average 13.1mph

Max 34.1 mph(round the hairpins)

Time 6.00hrs

total 829m

Think we are getting the hang of this now - pity there is only one day left!!

Our Hotel last night was the only one in Peyrolles en Provence and seemed a little strange when we arrived - run by the Golightly family - madame was about 5ft 2in and about the same across, husband slightly taller but same proportions! However they were very friendly and helpful - even cleared a space in their garage for the bikes.

Dinner in the hotel restaurant, which was surprisingly busy, and the food was great - despite the disconcerting regular 'ping' of the microwave. Madame was the first waitress I have ever seen who actually need the double swing doors to get in and out of the kitchen!

Since we were on the 'Cote de Aix en Provence' we had a very pleasant white wine from a chateau which we cycled past this morning. Bit of route planning discussion with the husband which proved invaluable - very accomodating chap who brought a bottle of cognac to the table for me and only charged for one drink. Over a glass or three (Oli was back on the red wine) of the cognac, we came up with a new plan which would get us to Frejus and back on schedule.

As has become our habit, it was up the crack of the sparrow, quick breakfast of bread and homemade jam and on the road as the sun rose to our left. A cool clear morning - after spectacular thunder and lightning in the early hours - with mist hanging in the trees just beneath the mountain ridges.

I know I said this yesterday but without doubt this was the prettiest part of the route - as the sun rose and warmed the air, we were still high enough for the temperature to stay very pleasant - even while climbing the hills. As recommended we planned our elevenses stop at Barjols (our host had described it as 'un de la plus belle villes en France') and rode down the steep hill into town found patisserie (for cake and lunch), pharmacy for some more dressings for Oli and the cafe only to find that our next road was back at the top of the hill - it was a pretty place but a bloody great hill!

Carried on across the hilly countryside always expecting the really big climb but it never materialised. We did have a couple of tremendous downhills - one with some great hairpins - pity that the cars coming up got in the way of the perfect line! As a result - even after a stop in Lorgues for cold water and a glass of Provence Rosé ( which they claim to have been making since 600 years BC) - we arrived at the hotel in Frejus at 4.30. Oli's wounds are starting to heal but it is embarassing walking down the street with the 'Mummy'.

Planning early start again tomorrow with 66m to the finish - and 12m back to Nice for the hotel (Monte Carlo hotels were way beyond our budget - even the Ibis was over €240). still with our experience of the last few days we could be done by lunchtime!

Thursday 11 September 2008

Day 10 - Montelimare to Peyrolles

A very few stats today

Distance travelled 94 miles
Total dist 752 miles

The best day yet! Left Montelimare just as the sun was rising and managed 94 miles in 7 hours. Only 10 miles short of original schedule. Lovely ride through the Cote du Rhone villages - grape harvest had just started and there was a strong smell of grape juice in the air as we passed each coop. Then along the Durance valley to finish in sight of the mountains which we have to cross tomorrow. No easy way! Head down and pedal.

Oli came off his bike today. Nothing serious but nasty road rash on his knee and elbow. Picked up supplies in a pharmacy which like the boulangerie there is one in every French village.